宗教和精神生活 works together with our larger university community to promote the health of the whole person. Our goal is to provide spaces and places for you to explore and strengthen your religious or non-faith beliefs and traditions. We also seek to provide opportunities for persons of all different world views and beliefs to be in dialogue. We believe it is important to be in conversations to gain understanding and build bridges amongst our differences. 对话是 不 关于辩论、得分、辩护或改变宗教信仰. 对话就是倾听对方,与对方交流, in the hope of learning and coming to a place of mutual understanding. 进一步, dialogue is 不 necessarily an attempt to find or only focus on things upon which we agree, 或者简化到最小公分母. True dialogue is about working through our deepest particularities with the other, and it need 不 mean that we lose them or become less committed to our own positions.

这里列出了活跃的学生组织. If you do 不 see a group you are looking for, ask us how to start one. 有关学生项目的更多信息, visit the Chaplain's Office in Sears Hall (connected to 莫里斯教堂), 或者发邮件给 religiouslife@shengmeiting.net.
















你并不孤单. Many people are interested in religion and its effects on society, and our aim is to provide a safe place for you to explore the important questions you have. 我们不时地举办研讨会, 讲座, 小组讨论, 对话会议, 以及相互尊重的辩论, and many of our student groups are involved in organizing these. There is a wealth of activity going on and we encourage you to get involved, 尤其是当你的利益没有被代表的时候. 我们需要你的帮助! From time to time the Chaplain's office works together with faculty members and others in our community to co-sponsor events. In doing so our aim is to bring about the fullest and most satisfying Pacific experience possible.


  • Catholic Mass takes place during the academic year every Sunday evening at 8PM in 莫里斯教堂
  • Morning Prayer in the Christian Tradition takes place during the academic year every Tuesday at 8:00 AM followed by a Fair Trade Cafe
  • Buddhist Meditation takes place during the academic year every Wednesday evening at 5:30PM in 莫里斯教堂
  • 莫里斯教堂 and 神圣空间 in Colliver Hall is open daily for prayer and meditation and can be accessed using your Pacific ID card (contact the Chaplain's Office for more information)
  • Various interfaith and other services and events take place during the year. 请查看太平洋航空公司 正规博彩十大网站排名日历 有关详细信息,.

Interfaith is defined by the Interfaith Youth Core (IFYC) as the engagement of people from diverse traditions, 比如基督教, 印度教, 伊斯兰教, 世俗人文主义, 犹太教, 佛教, 锡克教, 耆那教, 巴哈伊教的, 无神论者, 不可知论者, 以及所有其他宗教, 非宗教, 哲学传统. 换句话说,比如“多元信仰”,”“各宗教间的," or "multireligious" can be used interchangeably to articulate the same idea.

是的,你可以在教堂预订学生活动. 莫里斯教堂 has booked Greek events such as initiations and pinning ceremonies, 以及宗教和精神祈祷会, 圣经, 以及其他学生活动. 预定教堂,或者我们的任何会议室, 正规博彩十大网站 or drop-in during business hours (M-F: 8:30am-5pm) to fill out a Facility Request Form and reserve your space. We are located in Sears Hall, the North-West wing of the 莫里斯教堂 building. There is a $20/hour fee associated with booking the Chapel and meeting spaces. 这包括聘请一名活动经理的费用, 因为大多数活动和会议都是在营业时间之外进行的.

No.  莫里斯教堂 does 不 have any regulations on who can have their ceremony at the Chapel.  每对新人都必须带自己的牧师.  因为我们也是一个无教派的教堂, 这意味着各种各样的夫妻, 包括跨信仰, 非常漂亮, 同性, 和多元文化, 在莫里斯教堂享受了他们的婚礼吗.

If you would like a tour of the Chapel with one of our staff members, then we ask that you call us in advance and schedule a time to visit us.  If you would just like to stop by and check out the Chapel without a tour, 非常欢迎你来参观, 只要没有私人正规博彩十大网站排名发生就行.  我们的办公时间是周一至周五上午8:30 -下午5:00.  The Chapel is open on weekends for private events such as weddings, 纪念馆, 洗礼, 以及其他类似的正规博彩十大网站排名.  We hold a Catholic Mass at 8pm on Sundays during the academic year, which is open to the public.  如果你有其他问题,请提问 正规博彩十大网站.

是的. 莫里斯教堂是一个非宗派教堂. The 正规博彩十大网站 was founded by Methodist Ministers, 并且仍然与联合卫理公会有联系. 礼拜堂在外观和感觉上都是基督教的, 尤其是在彩色玻璃窗主题方面, 铭文, 十字架, 等等....... For this reason we also have a 神圣空间 prayer room that is less religiously specific in focus. 它在科利弗大厅的莫里斯教堂旁边. 两个空间都是开放给所有人使用的.

学士学位, 这是太平洋的一个悠久传统, 毕业典礼周末有什么庆祝活动吗, 这是我们毕业班的荣誉, often highlighting the religious 哲学传统 of the student body. In addition to addresses and performances by various graduating students, we highlight the “Last Lecture”—a special lecture by a faculty member to share hypothetically “What wisdom would you try to impart to the world if you knew it was your last chance?” 


